On September 13th and 17th, concerts of Outhentic took place in Plovdiv – Roman Stadium and in Ruse – Dohodno zdanie.
After the break that Outhentic had to make due to the complicated situation with COVID-19, the band finally managed to make their fans happy and take them to the world of folklore. The young musicians performed both well-known songs and compositions from their recently released album – “Transparent”
The name of the album – “Transparent” (Transparent), is a reference to purity, truth and transparency, which encompasses all the compositions included in it.
The group consisted of a “quintet”:
Zhivko Vasilev (kaval, piano)
Rayna Vasileva (vocals, percussion)
Borislav Iliev (guitar, tamboura)
Stoil Ivanov (drums)
Guest musician: Mihail Ivanov (bass)
The project – “Transparent – The Road to Folklore” is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria.