The festival was held on October 17 and 18 in the National Community Centre of Arts “Otets Paisii – 1934” – Varna.The beginning of Varna Jazz Days was set a few years ago, on the idea of the Varna trumpet player and composer Neyko Bodurov.
OUTHETNIC, along with the wonderful performers – ROSSITZA MILEVSKA TRIO, NEYKO BODUROV QUINTET and LINA NIKOL, brought the Varna’s audience to the world of Bulgarian folklore, Jazz, R&B and Soul music, in just two days.
The festival has become a kind of symbiosis between different styles, which gave the opportunity to each of those present to grab a handful of the style that touches him the most and that leaves the most lasting imprint on him. OUTHENTIC managed to touch and influence the audience with their originality, experimental spirit and ability to combine Bulgarian folklore with styles such as jazz, funk, pop, etc., in an innovative and creative way so that it does not lose its authenticity and beauty.
More about the festival you can find here: Varna Jazz Days